Saturday, September 15, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Calling all astronomy/physics/space science educators!  We invite you to attend free showings of new astronomy/space science based programs.       All educators (and their families) are welcome to attend these shows at no charge.      Learn what we have to offer at the Southworth Planetarium.

The show schedule is listed below.

10:15 a.m. Hubble Vision 2
Discover some of the myriad wonders of our Universe as seen through the eyes of the Hubble Space Telescope.  From the exotic planets in our solar system to the remote galaxy clusters, our cosmos is replete with strange and wondrous objects.   See them for yourself in the "Hubble Vision 2" program.

11:00 a.m. Journey to a Billion Suns
The European Space Agency has embarked on an ambitious effort to map the positions and determine the motions of more than one billion stars within our part of the galaxy.  "Journey to a Billion Suns" guides us through both the science and history behind one of the most highly sophisticated spacecraft ever launched.

11:35 a.m.  Astronomy: 3000 Years of Stargazing
Albert Einstein is your guide through the fascinating history of astronomy throughout the past three thousand years.  From the construction of Stonehenge to the devleopment of orbiting telescopes, we learn the stories and sagas behind the many astronomical pursuits throughout the ages.

12:15 p.m. Extrasolar Planets: discovering new worlds
Astronomers have discovered more than 3,500 extra solar planets within our vicinity of the galaxy.   This new program explores the method astronomers use to detect these planets and it guides us on a journey to some of the more exotic exo planets.   Also, what are the chances that we will find another Earth: another life-harboring planet?

1:00 p.m.  The Voyager Encounters
Patrick Stewart narrates this tour of the outer planets that the Voyager probes visited years ago.     Prior to the Voyager missions, humanity's knowledge of the outer solar system was sparse.   Now, we know much more about the gas giants worlds lurking far from Earth.   Join the Voyager crafts as they explore these planets.

1:30 p.m. Chronicle of a Journey to Earth
Imagine a journty from outer space to our planet.  We learn the science of the seasons, the motions of the stars and planets, and why our home planet Earth is such a special place to live. 

2:00 p.m. Incoming!
Earth has been battered, beaten and cratered by a veritable armada of solar system interlopers, most notably asteroids and comets.    This dynamic program examines the brutal history of comet and asteroid impacts.  We all know about the asteroid impact that ended the Cretaceous period.   However, throughout Earth's history the planet has been battered and beaten by a veritable armada of outer space interlopers.