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University of Southern Maine
A student veteran on our Portland campus
Achieve your college degree with support from Veterans Upward Bound
Apply Now

As part of our commitment to support veterans, the University of Southern Maine (USM) has established Veterans Upward Bound (VUB), a federally funded pre-college program available to those considering entering or returning to college as early as this fall.

VUB benefits for eligible Maine veterans include:

Services for those pursuing a certificate, an associate's degree, or a bachelor's degree at any college or university in the world.
Individualized assistance, in-person and online, with college applications, financial aid, VA benefits, tutoring, and more.
Instruction in the core academic subjects required for applying to college.
A small stipend for participants.

If you or someone you know is a veteran thinking about college or a certificate program, apply to VUB today to get a head start. If you have questions, send us an email or call us at 207-780-4627.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Laurie J. Davis,
Executive Director
Veterans Upward Bound, Upward Bound, & Student Support Services.
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University of Southern Maine
P.O. Box 9300, Portland, ME 04104-9300
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The University of Southern Maine is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
A member of the University of Maine System.