Dear Friends and Colleagues,

A long overdue update about Maine’s 2017-2018 Fair Share contributions:

We have only 3 weeks left to contribute to Fair Share for this fiscal year.
Maine and New England have done well, but we still have a way to go:

*Maine’s Fair Share contributions currently total 139% of the budgeted
goal. Last year we ended at 150%.

*At this point Mainers have made personal contributions of $5,469. Last
year we contributed $11,628.

*New England (NEOA) is currently at 121%, slightly ahead of last year. NEOA
is first among the regions, but SWASAP is close on our heels at 114%.

The $1,000 Fair Share Challenge that Dave, Darylen and I have put up for
you has been met by $280 so far, leaving us *$760 to raise in three weeks*.

Thanks for what you've done already. Remember that every dollar you donate
now before the end of June as a new personal (non-recurring) donation will
be matched dollar-for-dollar. Your $1 instantly becomes $2, if we meet our

Even if you’ve already given (ouch), consider giving again. As soon as you
do, let me know so I can I can keep track. And please pass this message on
to your colleagues, friends, family members who aren’t on the Listserv.

I hope to hear from you soon. So does Alvin Phillips at the Council. It’s
easy! Go to: and click on the Donate button at the

As always, thanks. —Dave, Darylen and Alan