Science Lecture Series 2017-18

Thursday, April 19, 2018     7:00 p.m.
Presenter:  Bartley Cardon
Location:  Room 165 Science 
(If you go to the planetarium, we can guide you to the room.)
Admission by donation

Earth's atmosphere, interacting with light, provides a wonderful
outdoor laboratory where we can see the rainbow, sun-dogs, sun
pillars, the glory, mirages and the green flash. These optical
delights, and others, including why the sky is blue, will be
described, using illustrations and some demonstrations. Our goal in
this talk will be to enthuse and to encourage you to take the time to
look up and observe these phenomena with added understanding.

Bartley Cardon is an adjunct member of the USM physics
department. His interests and professional activities have
included atomic physics, laboratory astrophysics,
experimental relativity, airborne IR sensors, ballistic
missile defense, automobile traffic management and air
traffic control. He enjoys the outdoors, machining,
welding, ham radio, travel and foreign languages.