*ACTEM 2017 Conference*
Oct. 12-13, 2017
Augusta Civic Center, Augusta, ME
*Early bird registration ends today - Sept. 22, 2017.  *
*Registration rates increase by $25 beginning tomorrow.*

Online registration is available at the following link:

Conference schedule and detailed listing of workshop sessions is available
online at www.actem.org under "Recent News"

*ACTEM 2017 - 154 Total Workshop Sessions*

*Breakdown of the number of workshop sessions and their topics are listed

16 - GAFE/Chromebook
15- Arts & Visual Literacy
11 - Coding/App Creation/Programming
10- Leadership/Evaluation/Data
9- Formative Assessment
9 - Virtual Field Trips/Virtual Reality
9 - Tech Tools
8- Ele. iPad and or lit
7- Personalized Learning
7 - Maker Space/STEM/STEAM - 3D Printing
7 - Flipping Classroom/Workflow
7 - Online safety/Literacy/Awareness
7 - Microsoft specific
7 - Jamf/Deployment/Support/MDM
4 - UDL/Assistive technology
3- Breakout EDU /Digital Scavenger hunt
3 - Digital Signage
3- Robots
3 - SIS
3 - Design Thinking
3 - Wireless
2 - PBL
2- Math
2 - Grants
2- iPad - MS/HS
2 - Apple OS specific
1 - Media Team
1- Gender Equity


Gary Lanoie, Executive Director/Business Manager
ACTEM - The Association of Computer Technology Educators of Maine
P.O. Box 187, Gorham, ME 04038
Phone: (207) 222-4353    FAX:  (207) 222-2057     Email:  [log in to unmask]
   *ACTEM 2017 Conference  *•*  Oct. 12-13, 2017   •   Augusta Civic Center
- Augusta, ME*