*THE SOUTHWORTH PLANETARIUM 207-780-4249 <207-780-4249>
 www.usm.maine.edu/planet <http://www.usm.maine.edu/planet> 70 Falmouth
Street  Portland, Maine 04103 43.6667° N,                    70.2667° W
Founded January 1970*

*               "Better to be a jester in a village you love than a king of
a world you hate."*


*Monday, June 6, 2016*

*Rapid Fire Neutrinos *

* It is utterly appropriate that an article pertaining to neutrinos would
precipitate a rapid fire salvo of myriad neutrino queries raining down upon
us like a cloud thick swarm of descending arrows.   Well, perhaps, this
description is a slight exaggeration.  However, one subscriber sent us a
delicious little batch of neutrino questions and  we decided to circumvent
Pandora and address them at once.    We apologize to those subscribers
whose questions have been fermenting in the jar so long they're now
considered vintage.     For your benefit, we will focus much of the week on
Pandora, while still reserving Fridays, of course, for the weekly quiz.
(After all, this Friday we "enjoy" the next installment of "Brain of

*"Do neutrinos ever "interact" with the human body? Given that the human
body is mostly vacant space, would we even know of the interactions if they
happened? And when neutrinos pass through whatever they pass through, which
is everything I expect, do they leave something behind or take anything
with them? How fast do they travel? Do outside influences slow them down or
speed them up? Do they or can they ever collide with one another? Does
gravity affect them?"*

*-April Adams,  Topsham, Maine*


Beautiful questions.   Now, this is the perfect way to begin a new week:
with five gears, eight cylinders and lame metaphors written by someone who
doesn't know the first thing about car engines.     We'll address each
question in order.

*Do neutrinos ever "interact" with the human body? Given that the human
body is mostly vacant space, would we even know of the interactions if they

Neutrinos hardly ever interact with anything.   As you read these words,
trillions of neutrinos are passing through your body as though it wasn't
even there.  This inexorable onslaught will continue unabated for the rest
of your life.   What is the chance that a neutrino will interact with a
particle in the body?

Now, people have actually performed the calculation to estimate the
probability of a neutrino interacting with the human body.

The precise term for this is "mean free path," the average distance a
particle can travel without hitting anything.    These calculations presume
that the neutrino would encounter a proton or neutron, which are
substantially larger targets than electrons.   It also makes some
estimations about the "size" of a neutrino, which relates directly to its
energy level: the greater the energy, the larger the neutrino.       Based
on these parameters, a neutrino's mean free path through human tissue is
about 3000 light years!    That means that if you were 3000 light years
thick, a neutrino would have a 50 percent chance of striking something.

However, the calculation doesn't end there!

This value pertains to a single neutrino.   However, as we just mentioned,
trillions of neutrinos are passing through us every second.        We
therefore have an interesting statistical situation: a highly improbable
chance of a neutrino collisions wedded to a staggering abundance of
neutrinos.    Without delving into the math (which leaves bite marks), it
turns out that, on average, a person will actually experience about 6000
neutrino interactions in their lifetimes.      If we performed another math
calculation (which doesn’t' bite, but just yanks the ear to the point of
annoyance)  a person will experience a neutrino collision about once every
6 - 7 days!

Such interactions do not cause any ill effects and, unlike neutrino
collisions with chlorine atoms, do not leave detectable traces.

So, you have been hit by neutrinos and you will likely be struck again, but
you will never know it.

*And when neutrinos pass through whatever they pass through, which
is everything I expect, do they leave something behind or take anything
with them?*

Only through interactions would they be able to leave traces and they are
also incapable, as far as we know, of capturing anything and conveying it
away.      During rare encounters,  neutrinos "collide" and do not proceed
along their paths.

*How fast do they travel?*

Astronomers are not certain anymore.   When neutrinos were first detected
in 1956, the neutrino was assumed to be massless and traveling at light
speed.     However, it has been established that neutrinos can "oscillate,"
meaning that they can spontaneously change their "flavor."  Neutrinos come
in three "flavors," namely electron, tau and muon.*   Neutrinos can only
oscillate if they possess some mass, although this mass even smaller than
that of an electron.  However, because the neutrino is not massless, it
cannot travel at light speed.  According to Special Relativity (1906,
Einstein),  any massive object moving at light speed would become
infinitely massive.  Neutrinos certainly aren't that.   They move at
extremely high velocities that approach light speed.

Note: Some scientists once even thought that neutrinos were capable of
superluminal (faster than light speed) velocities.    Physicists at the
CERN laboratory in Switzerland have since debunked this notion.  (Wet

*Do they or can they ever collide with one another?*

No neutrino collisions have ever been observed.      The density is so low,
despite their great numbers, that such interactions would be extremely
unlikely.     Here we should point out that neutrinos have different
energies.   Particle physicists believe that low energy neutrinos cannot
interact at all, as the weak nuclear force through which neutrinos interact
would prevent such collisions.  It is possible that two colliding neutrinos
could produce an electron or a positron or a "pair production" of electrons.
Depending on the energies involved, such a collisions could, Monty, produce
something completely different.

*Do outside influences slow them down or speed them up? Does gravity affect
them?   *

This issue also remains unresolved.  As neutrinos are not massless, they
would be susceptible to external gravitational influences as other massive
particles would be.     They should "slow down," in theory, if they move
away from massive objects due to the mutual attraction, just as they should
accelerate when approaching a massive object.  The extent of these speed
changes is unknown.     However, the presence of massive neutrinos in the
Universe might explain "dark matter," which is believed to constitute about
one quarter of the material universe.   Dark matter is not visible, hence
the term "dark," but is known to exist through the gravitational influence
is exerts on visible matter.  Although a single neutrino is a definite
lightweight, the cumulative mass of all the neutrinos pervading the
Universe could account for at least part of the material now referred to as
"dark matter."

*"Flavor" is the strange word used to specify elementary particles.    The
word "flavor" applies to quarks, the constituent particles comprising
neutrons and protons, and also to the six leptons, which we can think of
simply as those elementary particles that are unaffected by the strong
nuclear force, the force that binds subatomic particles within atomic
nuclei.  These lepton flavors are electron, electron neutrino,  muon, muon
neutrinos, tau and tau neutrinos.    Someday we will delve more deeply into
the suffocating thickets of elementary particles.



Glass is a liquid that requires about one million years to decompose!
