---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Becky Colannino <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 3:10 PM
Subject: Patrick's OpEd to BDN was published!
To: Casey Henderson <[log in to unmask]>, Kelly Ilseman <
[log in to unmask]>, Karen Keim <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: Jessie Darkis <[log in to unmask]>, Patrick Nason <
[log in to unmask]>

HI Casey and Kelly,

Could you post Patrick's OpEd about TRIO funding to the MEEOA and NEOA
list-serve and/or website-whereever you deem appropriate.It is online today
and will be in actual newspaper tomorrow.  Patrick is a graduate of our
program and is finishing his first year at the University of Maine.  He
also works in our office but the OpEd was HIS IDEA for one of his Social
Work course requirements.

I will send along to COE too.


Becky Colannino
TRIO Upward Bound Math Science
5713 Chadbourne Hall, Rm 220
Orono, ME 04469

phone: 207.581.2524
toll free: 1.800.581.2522
fax: 207.581.2710

[log in to unmask]
http://www.umaine.edu/ub/ <http://www2.umaine.edu/ub/>