Hello MEEOA Membership,

I'd like to invite you and your programs to consider placing an ad in the *NEOA
conference booklet*. The NEOA conference is being held in *Portsmouth, NH*,
this year, from *March 31 - April 2*. The *deadline for ad submissions is
Sunday, February 15th.*

Please also consider taking out an ad in the annual *COE conference booklet*.
The 2015 COE conference is being held at the *Hyatt Regency in Atlanta,
Georgia*, this year, from *Sept 16-19*.
The d*eadline for ad submissions is July 17th!*

As you know, NEOA and COE both advocate for critical issues surrounding
access to opportunity in education for low-income, first-generation, and
disabled TRIO students. By voicing your support for these organizations in
the form of an ad, you help support the invaluable work that they do for
our students!

Thank You,

Kelly Ann Ilseman
Upward Bound Math/Science Program
Assistant Director/Academic Curriculum Coordinator/Academic Counselor
Maine Educational Opportunity Association President

Best ways to reach me:
call or text: 617.784.2320
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]

other ways to reach me:
main office: 800.581.2522
office: 207.581.3720
fax: 207.581.2710

snail mail:
University of Maine
Upward Bound Math/Science Program
5713 Chadbourne Hall, Rm 224
Orono, ME 04469-5713


*Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.