Please share with friends and colleagues!
It is not too late to sign up!

To join the webinar go to:

Log in anytime after 6:15.

Please take a minute to become familiar with the workings of Blackboard Collaborate.

Click the gears at the top left to set up your audio and fine tune it with the dropdown menu just to the right.

Next the talk button is just below the video screen above the chat. Please wait to be called on to speak – then press the talk button to begin and again to disconnect your mic.

You may raise your hand, vote, and use emoticons as needed. We request that everyone remain respectful at all times and feel free to join in the chat room.


We will do our best to notice raised hands and questions posted in the chat. We will post live links in the chat room as they are shared.

This webinar will be interactive. You will have some opportunities to collaborate.

Thank you,


Gabrielle (Gaby) Richard-Harrington

NEISTE Vice President
Webinar Organizer
Vendor Opportunity Organizer
Blackboard Administrator
Professional Development Coordinator