This post is from Demetres Tryphonopoulos:

The Ezra Pound Society (EPS) invites abstracts for a non-guaranteed session at the 2015 MLA on "Ezra Pound, Amy Lowell, and Cultural Memory." This session considers Pound and Lowell both as shapers and objects of cultural memory. Papers might
consider how their poems function as sites of cultural memory (as in The Cantos​, or Lowell's historical narratives), or they might consider how the poets themselves have been remembered in literary histories. All aspects welcomed; possible
topics include Lowell and Pound's work as editors and anthologists; their personal poems and their use of dramatic lyric; their engagement with Asian forms and translations. Please submit 250 word abstracts by march 14th, 2014 to Melissa Bradshaw
([log in to unmask]) and/or Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos ([log in to unmask]). Panelists must be current members of MLA.

Betsy Graves Rose
National Poetry Foundation
Room 400, 5752 Neville Hall
University of Maine
Orono, ME  04469-5752
(207) 581-3814