#Maine 3 - 1 #CrockpotLosers FINAL #HockeyEast #hockeyscores

ME1 - Parker (3) 19:53 Nemec, Leen
BU1 - Noonan (9)(pp) 2:41 Clendening, Connolly
ME2 - Pryor (1) 6:00 Diamond
ME3 - Mangene (9)(pp)(eng) 19:55 O'Neill

21- 6-10-37

Had Blocked
 4- 3- 3- 10
 2-11- 7-20

 3- 3- 8-14
 1- 4-10-15



Quite a run Maine is on.  This is the first time Maine has ever swept BU and 
BC in weekend series in the same season - and they did it on consecutive 
weekends.  This is the first sweep at BU since November 1992 in the 42-1-2 
championship season.

After the BU debacle in December and Tim's interview with WABI in which he 
said attempts to remove him as coach were an attack on the program and 
players, I wrote to some of those players and let them know it was not 
necessarily true (I can't speak for the nuts at USCHO).  One of the replies 
I received made it plain that the players supported the coach and that they 
were going to work hard to get better on the ice.  There was more accountability in what he wrote than we've heard from the guy in charge.  
What he said was worthy of a captain.  There can be no doubt they have 
worked much harder and the results have followed.  I am incredibly proud of 
this group of players.