Great idea. I'm interested.

I just read "From Fear to Facebook"  which chronicles one school's journey into the world of one to one, sharing perspectives of students, educators and parents.

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Michael Richards <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Last year at ISTE I was talking with Deb White and Crystal Priest about the idea of starting up a book group study within ACTEM.  Now I putting words into action.  I want to start a book study group for the ACTEM Tech Integrators listserv.  I was thinking once we settle on a book over the summer (with a schedule) people could chirp in with thoughts, summaries, and impressions from each chapter/section.  I have lots of ideas for books but I welcome any suggestions from people.

Is anyone up for a book group?

Michael Richards
Wells Ogunquit CSD