We are getting iPads for our new elementary school. 2 in each K-2 classroom and 12 in each 3-5 room.
The thought is that netbooks are cheaper. 


On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 6:16 PM, Brad Edwards <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Thought about iPads? Many schools are heading in that direction. My only question is about imaging and monitoring them.

There will be some discussion re iPads at the tech update on Thursday, and you could connect to an Apple rep there:  http://edseminars.apple.com/NETechupdates

Also check this site:


On Apr 12, 2011, at 2:24 PM, Anne MacDonald wrote:

Hello all,

Next year our high school really wants to try and get as close to 1-to-1 as possible. There have been many ideas thrown around, one being netbooks. 
I have heard some feedback but most has been negative (actually, all). Has anyone had a positive experience with netbooks? If not, what were the issues?


Anne Macdonald
Falmouth Middle School
Plummer-Motz School
Falmouth, ME 04105

Anne Macdonald
Falmouth Middle School
Plummer-Motz School
Falmouth, ME 04105