Hi Michael -
I'd like to volunteer to fill any holes you may end up with in the Google area.  I did a "Move to Google" session last year that I'd be happy to do again.  Or if you need workshops on gmail, calendar, docs, etc - I'd be happy to do it.

have a good weekend,

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Michael Richards <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
This is no April Fool's Joke (like today's snow storm or Gmail's motion), the 2011 MAINEd Conference's call for proposals is open until April 12th.  Click on the link to start the process.


Michael Richards
Wells Ogunquit CSD

ACTEM Vice President

Page Lennig
Technology Director
Waynflete School
[log in to unmask]
twitter: @plennig

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