Spring 2011

THURSDAY, MARCH 31,  8:00 - 3:00 at Colby College, Waterville, ME

TechConnect is an opportunity for Technology Integrators from across the state to informally gather for a day of sharing and learning. TechConnect is a grassroots effort designed to connect a broad field of like-minded people to improve teaching and learning in our schools. The conference is made possible by ACTEM Tech Integrators attending regional meetings.

The day includes a morning session with Colby professor, Karen Kusiak, and the results of her doctoral research that examined students' use of one-to-one laptop computers in two Maine high school English classes. We'll also have the chance to hear from Colby Integrators as well as a few Colby students who attended Maine high schools and have agreed to share their MLTI/one-to-one middle and high school experiences.

Portions of the conference will follow an “unconference” model. Please come prepared to participate by sharing something that is going well at your school or something that you would like help with. You may also want to share a tool or resource at our technology “Geek of the Week” session.

Tech Connect will be held at Colby College with support from ACTEM and the Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement. Building, room, and parking details will be sent in a confirmation e-mail to attendees when finalized.

No cost to you. Lunch provided. Contact Hours available. Space is limited. Sign up today!
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