Just read this post<http://askatechteacher.wordpress.com/2009/12/28/yes-you-should-assign-keyboarding-homework/>
assigning keyboarding for homework. I know this discussion has come up
before but I am still conflicted. I am required to teach keyboarding
(although that may change somewhat next year). I think it is a waste of
class time but on the other hand, when third graders have to type ONE
sentence it is painful. The classroom teachers get very frustrated at the
time it takes for them to write a simple poem. I am advocating for starting
on the computer so they are not writing it twice but they are reticent
because of the time it takes. Also, the writing doesn't flow because they
are searching for the letters on the keyboard. What about assigning it for
homework? Not that I believe that all would do it but the ones that would
could benefit? Are we going away from traditional keyboards?
Anne Macdonald
Falmouth Middle School
Plummer-Motz School
Falmouth, ME 04105