The Student Association of the Hancock County Higher Education Center will be electing new officers and representatives in April.   I encourage you to get involved with Student Association.  It’s a great way to get involved with the Hancock County Higher Education Center, practice leadership skills, and have fun!


The Student Association plans and carries out educational, cultural, and recreational events.  Each semester, the Student Association receives a percentage of the student activity fees each student pays as part of course costs.  The student activity fees can be used for educational events, student orientation activities, holiday parties, trips, the annual graduation dinner, and workshops.   The Student Association meets every other week for an hour to an hour and a half.   Basically, student association members get to spend money to benefit other students!


In my short time at the Center I’ve observed the Student Association is as productive and vibrant as the students serving on it.  It requires time and commitment, but if everyone pitches in, it’s manageable, even for a student with responsibilities outside of school.   Not only will you enjoy the events, you’ll feel pride in giving back to other students.


Materials and information about Student Association and the elections will be on the bulletin board in the study area starting April 2nd.  Please take a moment to consider joining the Student Association and let me know if you have any questions.  I look forward to working with you!


Ann Delaney