i'm charged with getting out of town scores.  here are some of the
places i look

http://www.uscho.com/scoreboard/?type=d1	late
http://board.uscho.com/forumdisplay.php?f=7	chat rooms
http://www.collegehockeystats.net/		finals only
http://www.cstv.com/media/livegame.html		go to game and open
				gametracker and open national scoreboard
http://mankatofreepresshockey.blogspot.com/	msu mankato blog
http://www.atlantichockeyonline.com/schedules/2009-10	link to aha stats
http://www.ecachockey.com/men/index		links to ecac live stats
http://www.hockeyeastonline.com/men/index.php	hockey east
http://www.ccha.com/				ccha
http://www.wcha.com/genrel/stats2.html?files/wcham_live.php	wcha

for cha schools i google them and live stats

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