I realise that the focus of this group is U.S. college hockey but the
atmosphere here is saner than at rec.sport.hockey so I think I'll ask my
question here.     :-)

In the recent Ice Hockey World Championship (IHWC) in Switzerland, in
one game there was a very unusual situation that made me wonder about
the rules. One team already had two men in the penalty box when they got
yet another minor. The offending player immediately went into the box
but of course his time couldn't start counting until one of his
teammates left the box. That happened during play; the first penalty
expired and the player skated out.

At that point, shouldn't that team have been guilty of too many players
on the ice?

With two penalties in effect and three skaters defending against a
5-on-3, one would think that they should have to wait for a stoppage
before the first player whose penalty had expired could skate across the
ice from the box to the bench. Yes? No?


