Have you wondered how the restructuring of the University of Maine System and discussions of cost saving measures will affect your experience as a University student at URock? 
The high profile "New Challenges, New Directions" Task Force assembled by University of Maine System Chancellor Richard L. Pattenaude has held several open forums on UM campuses across the state.  The dates of remaining open forums were announced today.  
The purpose of the open forums is for the task force to gather comments from employees, students, and members of the public in each university community.  Participants are asked to provide comment on the future structure and function of the System, and on ways to achieve lower costs of operations and financial sustainability.
The next public meeting will be broadcast via videoconference and URock will be included.  It will be held this Friday, March 13, from 2:00 - 3:30PM in VC rooms 410 and 412. 
Oftentimes, the voices of off-campus students go unheard.  I welcome and URGE anyone interested to speak up to the Task Force at Friday's meeting about the importance of University courses off-campus.   Please join us. 
Thanks -  

Deborah Meehan, Director 
University College at Rockland
91 Camden Street, Suite 402
Rockland, ME 04841
tel: (207) 596-6906
toll free: 800-286-1594