Dear Poundians, thought some of you might be interested in this announcement from Ron Schuchard:

"The first annual T. S. Eliot International Summer School will be held at the Institute of English Studies, University of London, from June 27th to July 4th, 2009,  with morning lectures and afternoon seminars by some of the most distinguished Eliot  scholars of T. S. Eliot and modern literature, including Sir Frank Kermode, Denis Donoghue, Christopher Ricks, Lyndall Gordon, Robert Crawford, Jewel Spears Brooker, Ronald Schuchard, Anthony Cuda, Jason Harding, Jennifer Formichelli, and others. The School will be opened by Seamus Heaney and will include program trips to Little Gidding and Burnt Norton, with an optional trip to East Coker on July 5th. The School is open to students of Eliot and modern literature from all ages and professions. For more information see the website:" 

