St. Lawrence defeats Colgate, 4-2.  

Early in the game Casey Parenteau was injured and helped off the ice.  He did not return to the game or the bench.

First Period:
3:31 - CU - Day form Bogdanich - PP
11:28 - SLU - Generous from Cunnigham 
12:10 - SLU - McKenzie from Generous and DeVergilio

SLU - Petizian - 2 
CU - Evin - 5

Second Period:
19:21- SLU - Generous from Caister and J. Keller - PP

SLU - Petizian - 7
CU - Evin - 9

Third Period:
4:41 - SLU - Fensel from Cunningham
7:50 - CU - St. Pierre - PP
SLU - Petizian - 7
CU - Evin - 6 (left goal after Fensel's goal)
CU - Bessette - 8

Canton-Potsdam Hospital Player of the Game: Matt Generous

SLU '77
Let's go SAINTS!!!