I'm going to say this.  I have always been a fan and supporter of Tim Whitehead.  I still am, but I think we need a new direction for the program.  After several disappointing games, tonights game should have been a statement game.  A lopsided contest against a bottom tier D1 team.  Instead we spot them a 2-0 lead, to lose 3-1.  A statement game for Bentley.  If a coach can't get the team ready to win a "gimme" game, it is time to move on.  Any thoughts?
------Original Message------
From: Deron Treadwell
Sender: ME HKY
ReplyTo: ME HKY
Subject: Shocker:  Maine falls to Bentley
Sent: Jan 16, 2009 9:24 PM

According to the Kennebec Journal's Bill Stewart, Maine has fallen to Bentley tonight 3-1 in a shocking defeat.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry