Good afternoon,


Yesterday someone posed an excellent question to the list about parcel data availability.  Several useful replies came forth.


Several list subscribers did not wish to be receiving the messages and attempted to leave the list by sending a message to the list saying ‘please remove me’.  When an e-mail is sent to [log in to unmask] it goes directly to over 400 subscribers.  Therefore the remove me messages caused more list subscribers to want out, triggering more ‘remove me’ messages to everyone, and so the spiral.


If I saw a remove me message from anyone I ‘told’ the server to remove you – that then triggers an email to you only requiring you to confirm you wish to leave the list by clicking on a link.  I hope that has worked for people.


In effect everyone is yelling BE QUIET at once, causing the noise level to rise.  The answer is to stop sending messages to the entire list.  If you want off, follow the instructions provided.  If you need help, feel free to email me (directly) and I will initiate a remove request for you (this week only!).  This is not my list – I was merely helping during startup – list ownership lies with the GeoLibrary Board and list management will reside with MEGUG after this week.  Otherwise it really belongs to all subscribers. 


The intent of the listserv is to be a free and open (unmoderated) exchange of information and Q&A on topics relating to GIS and spatial data and technologies in Maine.  Please remember to reply directly to the individual posing a question if the response is only for them.  It is helpful for that individual to summarize and post any useful responses they get privately.  That’s how these listservs work best.  Again sending an email to [log in to unmask] goes to 400 people.  Because of that it is also very important to include a descriptive subject in your emails so that people can ignore/delete them if not of interest.


On behalf of the GeoLibrary I am very sorry for the inconvenience to ALL subscribers for today’s traffic.  Please do not let it discourage you from using the list moving forward.  These things tend to flare up and blow over in a day (please!).  Sorry we will have lost some people from the forum and apologies to them again for the inconvenience – we all know unwanted e-mail is a big pain.  Some of you still on may also wish to switch to receiving the digest form of emails now instead of all of them real time.


It’s been a bit like a run on wall street – sell, sell, sell.  It was suggested that we close the markets til it blows over…only I don’t know how to do that.  Maybe now is the time to buy low – if you know anyone who wants to be ON the list invite them to join…


OK, that’s all from me until the next on-topic exchange…



Will Mitchell
Mitchell Geographics, Inc.
188 State Street, Suite 200
Portland, ME 04101
Office:  207.879.7769
Mobile: 207.650.2057
Fax:  207.221.5861