St. Lawrence and Niagara skated to a 4-4 tie.  At the end of the game it appears that there was going to be a fight as a  Saint was hit into the net after the final whistles.  There was no handshake except for the coaches.  No penalties were announced.

First Period:
0:52 - NU - Cook from Mironov and ?
11:28 - NU - Cook from ? and Rocco
19:05 - SLU - DeVergilio from Parenteau and Miskovic (I think)

SLU -Pesony - 8
NU - Pagliero - 8

Second Period:
6:42 - SLU - Parenteau from Fensel and Ross
8:27 SLU - Vernuelen from Giffin and Curran
9:39  - NU - Rogers      PP
SLU -Pesony - 4
NU - Pagliero - 16

Third Period:
15:49 - SLU - McBride from DeVergilio and Generous PP
16:57 - NU - Cook from Rocco and ? - PP
SLU -Pesony - 
NU - Pagliero - 

SLU -Pesony - 
NU - Pagliero - 

Canton-Potsdam Hospital Player of the Game: Kevin DeVergilio and Ted Cook

SLU '77
Let's go SAINTS!!!