> Taken as a whole, I find Miami's season to be a lot less impressive than 
> Wisconsin's.

As a Wisconsin fan, I'd like to point of that it isn't the Wisconsin
fans who are complaining, and saying that "we" deserve to be in the
tournament. The fact is, if the Badgers had won even a few more games --
especially some critical games -- they would be in a stronger position
in the pairwise. Wisconsin had a rough season, no doubt.

The point being made isn't about one particular team -- but is there
something in the current selection process that is flawed (yes, I'm sure
we can all find something -- maybe not the same thing -- flawed in the
current process) in a way that is creating a tournament field that isn't
"the best"?

I can't say - I've seen less college hockey this year (and most years)
than some of you. I haven't seen enough of the other teams. But I do
think it isn't just Wisconsin -- a couple (perhaps even "several") WCHA
teams that are not in the tournament this year would probably be favored
to beat several of the teams that are in the tournament. I don't know
enough about the other leagues to evaluate if others can say the same.


david parter                                         [log in to unmask]
university of wisconsin -- madison          voice: 608-262-0608/262-2389
computer sciences department                           fax: 608-262-6626