Princeton had a great final weekend of the regular season by beating both the top and second ranked teams.  This afternoon they defeated St. Lawrence, 4-1.

Sorry but I missed some info and there isn't a LiveStat for me to use to fill in the blanks.

Last night I went to see the Saints defeat the Bobcats of Quinnepiac.  I didn't look around much but what I saw of the new sports complex seemed nice.  It is big but I still felt like I was close to the game but then again I was in eh second row.  I always jump when the slam into the boards.  The parking lot is way too small for the number of vehicles they get.  I would have thought that with a new venue that they would plan better.

First Period:
0:47 -SLU - Giffin from Keller and  Bardis
8:36 PU - Moore from Cousins and k.Westgarth PP
SLU  - Petizian - 6
PU - Sklapsky -6

Second Period:
SLU  - Petizian - 
PU - Sklapsky -

Third Period:
3:58 - PU - achentire mgnouski K. Westgarth and 
19;06 PU - ? from ?  and B. Westgarth - PP
19:54 - PU - Wilson ENG 

SLU  - Petizian - 
PU - Sklapsky -

SLU '77
Let's go SAINTS!!!