The 2006-7 season started tonight for the Skating Saints with a win over RIT, 4-3.

First Period:
SLU - Pesony - 4
RIT - Guimond - 10

Second Period:
00:25 -SLU - Bagnall from Giffin and Davis - PP
6:54 - RIT - Smith from Lambert and Pinizzotto - PP
10:31 - SLU Vermeulen from McBride 
SLU - Pesony - 4
RIT - Guimond - 14

Third Period:
4:15 - SLU - Cunningham from Vermeulen and Miskovic
7:36 - RIT - Pinizzotto from Lambert and Mazur - PP
13:56 - SLU - McKemzoe from DeVergillio and Bagnall
14:42 - RIT - Draper from Lambert and Newman
SLU - Pesony - 10
RIT - Guimond - 17

There are some very nice new features at the SLU hockey website.  We now have video and there is a nice live stats page.  I love the improvements.

Tomorrow night the Saints host Niagara.  I probably won't be able to listen to the game and report the score.  Sorry.  

SLU '77
Let's go SAINTS!!!