Don't know if anyone else caught this, but in Rick Reilly's column in SI this week, he gives his take on cursing at sporting events.  The featured case study:  our friends at BU.  The article isn't available for free on the web, but here are the highlights:

"We had to do something; people are telling me they're afraid to bring kids to games."  -Jack Parker

Fair enough.  How do the students feel?

"They're trying to censor us.  I feel like it limits my freedom of speech."  -Nick Williams, student newspaper sports editor

Heard that before.  I'm sure we all share the writer's skepticism:

"What the students are mad about losing is their favorite chant, which they yell 25 times a game, no matter whom they're playing: 'F--- em up, f--- em up, BC sucks!'  That's a speech?"
