Bruce is right, IMHO...  Tim has done the work of giants with the program and I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm very proud of his efforts.  I'll stay out of the rest of it but know that even we southern fans remain loyal, though quiet. 
How about focusing nothing but positive energy on the Frozen Four and the Coach who's taken them there, as Bruce said, three of the past five years? 
Go Maine!
Maura Walsh Satchell
Tennessee Black Bears Fan
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Bruce Hale <[log in to unmask]>

> Folks, I have to agree with this respondent that the 'nay-sayers'
> and 'doubting Thomases' should be ashamed of the way they have
> continuously berated the hockey staff and office. Tim is responsible for
> getting this team reorganized and getting them to the frozen four. He
> should be considered for coach of the year award. His coaching style
> speaks for itself with 3 frozen fours in 5 years. He doesn't need to be a
> strict disciplinarian to be successful. Too many find it easy to complain
> when things are rough, but I don't see them giving credit when things go
> well. Shawn is gone and Tim is not going to change his coaching
> philosophy. All kinds of coaches succeed. Live with it.
> As to the Damon incident, y! ou will never probably never know exactly what
> he did, but look at a copy of the Student-Athlete Code of conduct. I lays
> out his responsibilities if he wants to participate. If he broke the
> rules, that's his own fault. No one in the Academic Support office should
> be spending all their time checking class attendance. It's the athlete's
> responsibility, and if they don't, then they pay the consequnces. Derek is
> more than old enough to know better!
> Let's come together and celebrate the accomplishments of this unheralded
> team. They have a big mountain to climb next week in Wisconsin, and they
> will need everyone's support. Go Maine!
> Bruce Hale, Director of Academic Support for Student-athletes, 1998-2003