I've run all 256 scenarios (excluding ties)
I've calculated the pairwise using a bonus of .003, .002, and .001
All scenarios include Bemidji and the Atlantic Hockey Champ as teams
under consideration.
For each team, the table entries give the number of scenarios where
the team finishes in that position. For example, there are 128
scenarios where wisconsin finishes first, 29 where they finish second

At most 14 of the teams listed below will dance
Only minnesota has locked up a number 1 seed
It really looks like there is a cut between the top eight and the
bottom eight

it looks like CC and BC will be #3 seeds
were i speculating, i'd venture that st cloud has to win tomorrow and
that northern michigan only has a mimimal chance to be there.

    team          1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14 
Minnesota       128 128
Wisconsin       128  29  55  32  12
Michigan State       35  74  52  47  48
Boston Univ.         34  38  68  76  40
Harvard              22  33  40  33     128
Miami                 8  56  54  38 100
Cornell                      10  50  68     120   8
North Dakota                            128 128
Boston College                                8 120  66  62
Colorado Coll.                                   64 126  66
Michigan                                         64  64      30  34  16
Maine                                                    62  56  10  88
Nebraska-Omaha                                           34  42 128  52
New Hampshire                                            32 128  52  44
St. Cloud State                                                  24  56
Northern Mich.                                                    8    

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