Boyle of BC is a great player... arguably the best returning forward in hockey east.

From: The Maine Hockey Discussion List [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of james acheson
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:21 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Our Netminders

I was just thinking about Maine playing at UMass and how it would be a huge advantage to have Ben in net there.  On a bigger ice surface, he is able to make 150 long passes.  I think at BC he would only be able to do that during a BC line change.
so in the case of a split weekend for the goalies? do you play Ben against the better opponent? or do you use his stick handling skills to their fullest advantage?
also, before counting out UMass, I think that there are plenty of people who know HOckey East a lot better than I do who think that Matt Anderson is a better player than anyone BC has right now.  (I have never seen ANderson play)

Deron Treadwell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I had the opportunity to attend Saturday nights game (a 4-0 win over
Alabama-Huntsville) where Matt Lundin picked up the shutout.

I struggle for a way to phrase this about a performance that resulted
in the opponent not scoring, but frankly I thought Lundin was just
plain scary out there. He frequently lost sight of the puck and when
he did he would just flop on the ice or dive recklessly toward where he
thought the puck was. Alabama-Huntsville may have a nice little team,
but a top opponent would have certainly been able to take advantage of
at least some of that. (Let's not remember this was a 0-0 game after 2

I saw Lundin at least once last year and he seemed much more poised and
focused on the ice then. Is he pressing because Bishop has done well
and he hadn't played in two weeks? I did not feel comfortable with him
! in there at all.

I think that we are due to have a few adventures with our goaltenders
this year. I've also seen Bishop in person and he is very aggressive,
which as we know can lead to some interesting situations.

I know there was some talk here that maybe Lundin was hurt during the
Denver series, but I wonder if Coach saw any of what on display
Saturday night in practice and surmised Maine would be better off with
Bishop twice? Right now, Bishop looks like our clear #1 guy to me.

And as Fred Nutter says.. that's our opinion.. we welcome yours.


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