that's great Bill..

thanks for the info..

all best


> From: William Pratt <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: 2005/09/08 Thu AM 11:24:56 EST
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: News about New Orleans Poundians
> Dear Fellow Poundians:  You will be relieved to know that John Gery,  Barry 
> Ahearn, Zhaoming Qian, and Vincent Sherry are all safe and sound, having  
> escaped the worst of the disaster.  John is in Asheville, NC, Barry is in  Garden 
> City, NY, and Zhaoming is in Atlanta.  Zhaoming left his house after  braving 
> the storm and the aftermath for five days, and has his cell phone with  him but 
> no email facility.  His cell phone, for those interested, in  getting in 
> touch, is:  504 701-8550.  This word comes from Anne  Conover Carson, whom he 
> called to say he was OK.  
> Best, Bill Pratt