Clay Satow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> re: Lines
> I don't think that he was talking about the center line.  One of the more
> radical changes proposed for the NHL was actually suggested by Sinden and
> I believe Mike O'Connell.  It essentially did away with tbe blue line.
> There was a line about midway between the faceoff circle and where the
> blue line used to be.  Once you cleared that line, you could pass it
> anywhere, even down to the other teams goal, and there was no blue line
> offside.  It seemed to me that it invites "cherry picking" which I think
> is boring, but it makes it virtually impossible to trap.

Interesting. If you passed it out, defensively, from _inside_ this new
line, would it still have to go all the way down to the other end to be

