According to the same article (quoted in part):

"He's very gifted, offensively. He's one of the most fluid skaters I've ever
seen. He has breakaway speed. And he can score from anywhere," said Breck
coach Wally Chapman... "I think he can be a great college scorer. He gets
his shot off quick and he's accurate with it.

Maine has struggled offensively, particularly in the NCAA tournament where
it has produced only four goals in its last four games.
(NOTE:  that observation from Larry Mahoney)

Dee said he intends to "keep working hard" ...and he wants to get "bigger
and stronger" so he can make a smooth transition to college hockey.

According to Chapman, Dee will need to work on his defensive play in Omaha
and to make sure he plays at a "consistently high level on every shift."

[end of snipped quotes]

Well,'s my thought:

Let the kid concentrate primarily on offense, build his strength to offset
the double-teaming defense he will see (watch film of what happens nightly
to M. Leveille) and put him into a set of plays that have him camp near the
opponent's blue line waiting for clear-out passes to be directed to him.

I know that the last two National Championship gamess have been won playing
grind-out hockey, but the regular season and most of the Tournament can be
won by playing the up-tempo game. Look at all the Lowell victories this
season for a taste of what can happen if the team is let loose to SCORE.

If Maine can score more, the team might not have to worry as they did this
year about qualifying for the Round of 16, nor be as concerned about being
sent to someone's home rink either.

Besides all that, isn't it a LOT more interesting to be a spectator at a
more wide open scoring hockey game ?

(merging two places full of hockey related stuff into one)

Deron Treadwell wrote:

>Scorer Dee bound for Maine in 2006
>Bangor Daily News Fri, 15 Apr 2005 6:04 AM PDT
>Robby Dee, whose 49 goals were tops among all schoolboy scorers in
>Minnesota this past season, has verbally committed to attend the
>University of Maine on a hockey scholarship beginning in 2006. Dee, a
>center and left wing who also had 38 assists in 28 games for the Breck
>School in Golden Valley, Minn., will spend next season with the Omaha
>Lancers in the U.S. [Junior] Hockey League.