Wendy and anyone else looking - You make me feel guilty for not going home and watching.  I just may skip out of work if the coast is clear.

I looked and found a live stats page at the NCAA's site.  All attempts to find a audio feed came up upon subscription requirements.  I hate that.

Here is the link to the live stats for you or anyone else who wants to check in:


Enjoy the games.
SLU '77
Let's go SAINTS!!!

> Who else is lurking around trying to "watch" the first game on the web?
> Since I am in India, I don't have access to ESPN2 and am looking for the
> best way to follow the action, for at least as long as I can stay awake as
> it is now almost midnight here and again in the "morning" for the end of
> the second game.
> Wendy