A reminder that the deadline for Part 2 (the Atlantic Hockey part) of the
Pick the Tourneys contest is Tuesday, March 8th, at 6:00 PM EST.

And here again are my own picks.  If you find yourself agreeing with me,
don't worry -- it's not *usually* a sign of a deeper illness...

Atlantic Hockey

First Round:
                                              Winner (3 pts)
#9 American Int'l    at #8 Army               Army

                                              Winner (3 pts)
Army                 at #1 Quinnipiac         Quinnipiac
#7 Bentley           at #2 Canisius           Canisius
#6 Connecticut       at #3 Mercyhurst         Mercyhurst
#5 Sacred Heart      at #4 Holy Cross         Holy Cross


                                              Winner (8 pts)
Holy Cross           vs Quinnipiac            Quinnipiac
Mercyhurst           vs Canisius              Mercyhurst

                                              Winner (16 pts)
Mercyhurst           vs Quinnipiac            Mercyhurst

1.  Championship game score:   3-1
2.  Total goals scored in entire tournament:   50