Dear E-Rate Applicants,

This is an urgent reminder that you must have an FCC RN# for your billed
entities and each of your recipient entities. MSLN also needs those numbers
for its application and will be contacting districts and libraries that have
not reported them to MSLN. In addition I have  already had reports from
applicants that one of the first things PIA is requesting when they call is
your FCC RN#s, and yes the reviews have started for Year 2005 applications.

If you have not requested an FCC RN# it is a realtively painless process
that should take only a few minutes to complete.  It can be done by going
online to this location
<>  and following the
registration process.  You will need your school district or town's EIN
(employee identification number), or your own EIN if you are a private
institution.  You may find that your town, district or school already has an
FCC RN#.  If they are your billed entity you may use that number.  However,
you still need an FCC RN# for each entity receiving E-Rate funding so you
will need to apply for duplicate numbers for each and every entity you

Please get this done immediately!!!

The E-Rate web page
<>  has user friendly instructions (the
bright green documenton that came with your packets in the fall) which we
will move to the top of the page today so they can be found more easily.
Please call if you needs assistance and don't forget to email or fax
(287-5624) your FRN's to us for the MSLN application.

Thanks Edna

Edna M. Comstock, E-Rate Team
Coordinator Learning and Technology Services
Maine State Library
64 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0064
1-800-322-8899 or 207-287-5620
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