Frustrated Maine fan going to see hockey Last Four in Columbus next week.

Intending to give full support to the Fighting Sioux in their quest to beat
what could be BOTH teams that beat Maine to end their last two seasons.

Would love to be adorned with a Walsh-named Sioux jersey whilst in Ohio next
week.  Would offer a promise to pay FedEX costs to me, FedEX costs to get it
back to you and a donation to charity of your choice for right to wear as a
rental.  Think of it like you are in the tux business....

We could use a lot of Walshes in Columbus, but I had this idea...There must
be a few of you with a "Walsh" that are not doing the Last Four this year...

If interested, email reply off-list, but quickly.  We leave Saturday morning
3/30  early.

Many thanks.

GO SIOUX (sort of sounds like GO BLUE, huh...)

Dan Doucette