Count me in for FOUR at the event.

Here is the breakdown of colleges of the four in my party:

Kent State (unless his mother joins us instead, then Salem State)
University of Maine

What a mix !!!

Thanks as always.

Dan Doucette (the one who attended Maine)

Carol S. White <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Well, long story short:  I found a place for us at the Holiday Inn on
>the Lane, close to the Schott and not too unreasonable price wise.
>I need to know if you would prefer a buffet style dinner or individual
>The prices range from $16.95 to $23.95 plus 18% gratuity and tax. Either
>choice includes salad, entree, veggies, starch, dessert and
>coffee/tea/iced tea beverage.
>They can provide us with a cash bar for a nominal fee for an hour or
>I don't think I will find anyplace closer or better.  The Buckeye HOF
>Cafe was not walking distance and was more expensive and required a
>certain number of people to attend.
>IF YOU ARE definitely attending or ONLY MAYBE attending, please respond
>to this email!!!
>Send all replies to: [log in to unmask]