
1) I am using .003, .002, and .001 as the bonus weights
2) the CHA and Atlantic Hockey champions are automatic qualifiers, so
   the projected AH winner is also a Team under consideration.
3) placings lower than 16 are not included, so there are, for example,
   128 scenarios where UVM finishes lower than 16th
4) my rpi value calculator does not (yet) implement
   "If a team defeats a weak opponent, it is possible for its RPI to
   go down despite the win. Starting in 2003-04, if this happens in a
   team's conference tournament, that game can be thrown out of the
   RPI calculation for that team."

   This adjustment impacts the RPI values for CC, Denver, Cornell,
   Michigan, and Dartmouth.

    team          1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
Boston College   64  16  34  14
Colorado Coll    64  64
Denver               18  60  50
Cornell              30  34  16  35   4   9
Minnesota                    36  48  44
New Hampshire                12  44   3  27  20  22
Michigan                          1  29  31  35  32
Harvard                              35  17  20  56
North Dakota                         13  44  53  18
Maine                                                62   2      64
Ohio State                                           64  62   2
Boston Univ                                           2   1 125
Wisconsin                                                63   1  48  16
Vermont                                                          16   2  30  16
Colgate                                                              64   2  14
Dartmouth                                                            46  80   2

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