Those who read my posts know I have wondered repeatedly why Zabkowicz has
not been used more.  He certainly looked good in the TV contest I saw
against Quinnipiac.  Against UMass he was +2 in the win, and not among the
sea of -1s (his was 0) in the tie.  He needs to be in every game from here
on out, he just seems to be a steady performer.

Count Matt Greyeyes as another to perhaps get more ice time, but I am less
enthusiastic on him compared to the Z.

As to Mushaluk being pilloried here and on the Web, of course on USCHO
you're not going to see much positive comment about anyone.  That's sort of
the nature of that wild free-for-all board there.  Sort of like talk radio
in that regard.  (no one on this list like Butch from the Cape, fortunately)

We seem to have a more balanced approach here on this list.  Whilst I would
not want to have this board turn into the "rose colored glasses" List,
collectively there is a sense to know when to pull back, just as you have Jim.

All eyes should be focused to Bracketology on USCHO as once again in Week 2,
Maine is off the list for the Round of 16, assuming no win at the "This
Space Available" Center in Boston.

Much would change, though, with a sweep against the Terriers at Alfond this


james acheson wrote:

>One problem that this teams seems to have (and it is a good problem) is
that there are alot of good players that just do not get to play.
>I want to apologize for all the negative talk about Mushaluck.  I just went
on the uscho fan forum for the first time, and I did not know that he was
the whipping boy on there.  I had actaully never seen anything suggesting
that he might not be a super player written anywhere, ... so I brought up
the topic here.  On that board, he seems be well hated.  I do not have a
need to be one of the people tearing that kid down.  I do hope that he gets
in some power skating time in order to improve his speed and ability to get
to opponenents in order to hit them hard, but I think I will refrain from my
negative talk about him.