Ok, well maybe if Jimmy usually played on Friday and Frank on Saturday Coach figured out how to be more effective against the other teams’ defense the second night.   And I’m not sure that there were enough games to make deductions that are statistically significant anyway.  I’m an engineer, not a statistician.  Any statisticians out there?

I still think that there are significant influencing factors beyond who was playing goal and making a deduction based solely on that may be problematic and may lead to erroneous conclusions.  I would be really curious what Coach would have to say about it though. 


From: The Maine Hockey Discussion List [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of james acheson
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 12:26 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Maine-BC


Clair, Jimmy Played Friday and Frank played the same team Saturday.  and vice versa.


it was not a case of Jimmy playing against the great defensive teams and Frank playing against the weak defensive teams with the really good offenses.

MAINE plays one style with Jimmy in net and a differnet once with other goalies.


Jimmy Played harvard and Frank played the 3rd period against harvard.

Maine did not score with Jimmy in net and scored alot with Frank in.


Dunham played 2 periods against Lake State amd Maine scored one goal a period... Snow went in and Maine scored 3 goals in the 3rd.


"Chesley, Clair" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I would suspect that the goals scored difference might be due at least in part to the particular teams that we played and who was in goal for teams that we played as well as how their defense played, etc etc. Coach may have made the goalie decision depending upon how our offense matched up against the other teams’ defense, etc.  I really doubt that our team played THAT significantly different because of whom we had in goal.   


Also, I just wanted to say how impressed I was with our guys in the BC game.  I thought that we looked great especially on defense.  Except for a couple of lucky BC goals we played the number one team in the country pretty much even I thought.  I wasn’t surprised by the 3-0 UNH score at all.  IMHO BC is a far superior team than the No Hardware team.   


Also, I have a rule question:  Can a player proceed the puck over the blue-line if he has control of the puck?  I heard a commentator say that in that situation the player was not offside.







From: james acheson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 9:56 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Maine-BC


it was not long ago that BC played in national championship games in 2 of 2 years (without a great goalie) and won.


do me a favor and explain away last years stat that in Jim games Maine scored 2.2 goals and gave up 1.7 goals a game and in Frank games is was 4.5 for and 2.2 against.  and frank had a much better win record.


this was over 20 games for each goalie... and the only diffence was mid season with Jimmy out and the end of the year with Jimmy not playing.   and I seem to remember Jimmy being pulled in a Harvard game in order to generate more offense... and it worked.


... I know I sound bad saying all this.... I just do not get what is going on.


this is like when Gretzky played with the Rangers and triple shifted... he got lots and lots of points, but his plus-minus was horrible.


Deron Treadwell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Tim Whitehead coaches a defensive-first system. That's not going to change
no matter who is in goal.

I would argue that the pyschology of having an All-American goalie in net
would be MORE condusive to scoring goals than a freshman goalie. I would
think a team would want to play MORE defensive and try harder to protect the

I hardly doubt the team sits around the lockerroom and says, "Let's go out
and get Jimmy a shutout".

With all due respect, Maine has played for the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP in 2 of
the last 3 years. I don't think BC is an example of anything except how to
have great natural talent that tends to underachieve.


----- Original Message -----
From: "james acheson"
<[log in to unmask]>To:
<[log in to unmask]>Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: Maine-BC

>I AM NOT POINTING A FINGER AT JIMMY!!! I am pointing a finger at how the
>team plays in front of him. I do not know what the problem is, but the
>result is a consistent lack of offense in front of him. 2 years in a row
>now, our boys cannot score more than 2 goals a game with Jimmy in net... as
>I said, I would rather see a 6-5 win than a a garunteed shutout by one
>goalie... but a crapshoot as to which goalie gets the shutout.
> Jimmy was involved in 10 shutouts last season in what 21 games? 6 were on
> his side. FRANK won games, best in the country, but Jimmy had the goalie
> stats.
> with a great offensive team, it is never a problem when a goalie coughs up
> a goal (! or 2)...Clemmenson and Kalieinen have been proving that point for
> 7 years.
> and I know that one goal was an empty netter, but our boys scored 2 goals
> with Lundin "in net" and one with Ji! mmy. (and before you say that the
> sample size is too small to consider... that this was Lundin's only empty
> net opportunity of the season, realized that Maine has no empty net goals
> with Jimmy getting pulled stringing back to the Denver game. I think
> that there is no offensive intensity when Jimmy plays. (this is
> analogous to how Pedro often gets no run support, the sox just assume that
> tehy can win 2-1 with pedro in.)
> Snow and Dunham were the same, you wanted offense (and a win) Snow had to
! > play. you wanted stifling defense and not so much offense, Dunham.
> Wayne T Smith <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
> Come on. Implying the goalie lost the BC game is like worrying about
> nosebleed when the patient has an artery gushing blood. Yes, the 3rd
> goal was a gift (Howard gets the puck out in the corner and does a
> corner-to-corner pass, interrupted by the back of his goal; BC scoops up
> ! the loose puck and tucks it in the open net), but one goal was
> deflected right in front of him, and the other goal was nice snap shot
> between the faceoff dots. Howard was going down in the butterfly, but
> the puck was perfectly in the five hole and just quick enough to get
> through.
> Now, where is the offense going to come from? It hasn't been there
> against the better teams, IMHO.
> Having your goalie & defense to hold the opposition to 0 or 1 goals may
> be a "goal",! but it's going to be tough to have a winning record that way.
> I don't know how you add scoring to the mix, but Maine seems to have
> some good new players, so maybe it will be possible?
> cheers, wayne
> james acheson wrote:
>> so... you stick Lundin in net, the boys play offense in front of him
>> and stop worrying about the gaa and save percentage and win 6-5. I
&g! t;> mean, jeez the d was only responsible for 1 goal in this game, and
>> Jimmy gave away 2. It is clear to me, and I know a few others that
>> tandem goalies is the way to go... make them conpete against each
>> other and they both get better. at the very least Lundin would not
>> have done any better in a league points-wise ana! lysis against BC and
>> BU, and I am sure against Merrimack. Lundin could have lost those 2
>> games too, but at least we would have 2 goalies competing against one
>> another.
>> */Bob Woodbury /* wrote:
>> BC wins 3-1. Maine not showing enough to beat UNH tomorrow, either.
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