I just KNEW I should have kept the sound off on the TV and listened on the
radio, however,  watching the BU game on NESN on the little dish I did think
the two announcers were a little better than the usual (Shea and Brickley,
the Bruins announcing pair), and the WZON feed was running about 5 seconds
ahead of the video, making for a bit of confusion.

Did the "ask the experts" question on that game come from a Wayne Smith of
Old Town, by any chance...?  lol

Wayne T Smith wrote:

>One of the highlights of this game for the Hannigan radio audience was
>an intermission interview with former Maine Head Coach Jack Semler.
>Very interesting, at least for us ol' timers. ;-)    When asked about
>the biggest differences in the game now from then, Jack replied the time
>to get off a shot ... there just isn't ever time to get off a big
>slapper (my paraphrase).