I’m there tomorrow night.  We’re sitting behind the goal that Oceanic shoots at for two periods.  Should be fun!    


From: The Maine Hockey Discussion List [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of james acheson
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:30 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: off topic


I realze that I am one of the whiners when it comes to off topic posts... but...


for all of you who thought that Paul Kariya was pretty good, and worth watching, a kid named Sidney Crosby will be playing for Oceanic Quebec against Lewiston;s MAINEiacs tomorrow and Saturday.  He is supposed to be pretty good.  (that is a joke... he broke every scoring record ever when he was 16... and at 17 he turned down a $7.5 million contract... 14 assists in his last 4 games)

See you in LEwiston?  (Loiston for doze of you in de middle of de state dair)

Tickets are available at http://www.lewistonhockey.com/ and are $13 for adults and $8 for kids.

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