Back from vacation on the Midcoast, minus daily access to computing...Saw
the extended discussion of the schedule poster and thought:

Why not FoMH as the group to produce the poster / calendar ?

Suggestion for picture:  why not ask Wayne Killam what his favorite picture
was from last year ?

Anthony DelMonaco wrote:

>i remember talking to nonni a few years back about the poster that said
"THE GOAL" on it with conklin getting schooled...i'd buy 10 of em if they
sold for each room in my apartment and one for every room in my
parents house :) but i think it's a good idea...i've seen panoramic pics of
the fleet center with c's games and also pats games in foxboro...hmm
panoramic shot of the alfond??? or if there was one of ayers standing
dejected after giving up a goal with the whole balcony doin the sieve chant...