Rules changes in the AHL this upcoming season, which are interesting to
consider that it might be a portent of things to come in the NHL and down to
the college ranks also (thanks Boston Globe).  They are:

1.  For seven weeks only, goaltenders can handle the puck only behind the
net, in a restricted shaded area extending 28 feet along the back boards,
deliniated by diagonal lines running out from behind the net.   Netminders
handling puck outside the zone subjects the team to a 2-minute delay of game
2.  Goal line is moved 2 feet closer to the end boards (from 13 feet back to
11 feet)
3.  Icing rule is changed to the college "no touch" call
4.  Center line and blue lines will be painted an extra foot wider (from 12
inches to 24 inches)
5.  Shootout rule for ties:  after 60 minutes, play 5 minutes 4-4.  Then, if
still a tie, shootout with five players each side.  If still tied, one
player selected each side to shoot until tie broken.  (no word on number of
points awarded for each scenario)
6.  2005-06:  goalie pads narrowed 2 inches (from 12 inches to 10 inches in