If any of you encounter the same difficulty I did, here is the solution
provided by the person at customer service (1-800-801-9268).

The problem:  error message "do not use special characters <>"%()&+"

As Existing applicants, our names had come up on the screen as "Joseph &

The solution:  Apply as "New" not "Existing"; complete all of the
information and get the confirmation.  Send email to [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>  providing the priority code, ticket
application number and payment confirmation number, and ask that the
application be processed according to the Priority level you have.

I was told it may take some time to get a reply, as hundreds of people have
reported this error.

Cathryn C. Spreeman

Office of International Students and Scholars

University of New Hampshire

Hood House

89 Main Street

Durham, NH 03824

(603) 862-1508 (telephone)

(603) 862-0844 (fax)