Anybody can get beat at the end of a shift, especially skaters that work as hard as Todd.  Sometimes your legs cannot get you to the puck first no matter how much will, grit, or desire you may have.  When your legs are gone they’re gone. 


GO BLUE!!!  BEAT BC!!!!  


I know they can too!  They are the best team in college hockey this year!!    


From: james acheson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 10:58 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: New friggin subject line


yes, It was Domish...

I did not know that he was so fast...


and yes I am used to Jackson winning every race, but I did not know that I needed to expect any competition from Domish.


and I still gotta say... had todd given it his all,and not simply expected to get to the puck first, he would have.  THere is not one NHLer who could have beaten him in a flat out foot race for 60 feet where Todd had a 15 foot head start and both guys were already going full speed at the start of the race.


Getting to loose pucks is what the game is all about.  that was how Northeastern tied Maine a couple weeks back... They got to the loose puck and made sure Maine had only 2 or 3 scoring opportunities in the whole game.


I am not trying to knock Todd.  I was saying that his effort was indicative of the team's effort on Friday night.


Frank's third goal was ON THE ICE UNDER HIS STICK.  screen or no screen, is there an excuse for that too???

"Voisine, Cory" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Yeah he got the #3 star both nights, he'd be the last guy we'd knock for not
giving his all. Plus he was one of the few that ran Robbins every chance he
got, I liked that.

But maybe people get surprised when Jackson gets beat cause we are used to
seeing him skate circles around people. Domish of Lowell is definitely the
fastest skating defensemen in the league, and he could be the fastest
overall skater??? He may be the guy that won a race for the puck??? Good
little defensemen.


-----Original Message-----
From: The Maine Hockey Discussion List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Jacob Metzler
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 10:11 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: New friggin subject line

The Maine Hockey Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>writes:
>I can only see a couple ! guys in HE beating Todd in a foot race if he is

I understand some frustration, but to call out Todd Jackson when you have no
idea what the reason might be for ONE puck he didn't get to, doesn't seem
fair. Who knows maybe he was battling an injury that we just don't know

As hard as he works all over the ice I think he's one of the last people
that should be accused of not trying.


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