Well the end of the season boils down to two games with the top two teams
in HE, perhaps with not much at stake, except pride, momentum, messages
sent for post season play... Here are some thoughts and concerns...

o Do you play most of the guys that have not played much this year, in the
interest of not encoring injuries or perhaps even potential suspensions to
your better players?!...

o Lots of ice time for your seniors?

o Change your style of play so as not to give them more film to
watch/learn/scout from, give them no looks etc...?

o Most of us fans would feel cheated perhaps if Maine was to employ these
tactics, for those in attendance but it would be nice to stay in the east
at any cost too.  Perhaps it won't matter...

o Should we be devastated if we get swept?  Can we ride a high "Horse"
oh no there's that word again 8^), if we sweep.

Regards, Kevin